Harnessing the Seven Hermetic Principles for Empowered Female Leadership

As part of our MSL philosophy, we often seek wisdom from both modern techniques and frameworks but combine them with timeless knowledge from more ancient philosophies and teachings. One such enduring source of insight is the Seven Hermetic Principles, drawn from Hermetic philosophy. These principles offer powerful tools for personal growth and can be remarkably effective when applied to leadership. Let’s explore how these universal concepts can shape a balanced, effective, and empowered approach to female leadership.
About the Hermetic Principles
The Seven Hermetic Principles are foundational teachings of Hermetic philosophy, stemming from ancient wisdom that has been guarded and shared only among a select few for centuries. Very little has been formally written on this subject until recent times, with the aim of placing these profound insights into the hands of modern seekers as a *Master-Key*—a tool to unlock the inner doors within the Temple of Mystery. These principles offer not only a window into the nature of reality but also a framework for understanding the interconnectedness of the mind, universe, and spirit.
The Hermetic Teachings are thought to have been preserved over tens of centuries, since the era of Hermes Trismegistus, the revered "scribe of the gods." Living in ancient Egypt during a time when humanity itself was in its infancy, Hermes shared wisdom so foundational that it became the bedrock of countless esoteric traditions. In fact, the core elements of spiritual teachings worldwide, even those as ancient as the teachings of India, can be traced back to the Hermetic wisdom of Hermes.
In the early days, the Hermetic Teachings were not broadly disseminated; rather, they were passed down orally from teacher to student, from “lip to ear.” Many advanced seekers and mystics traveled to Egypt from distant lands, including the banks of the Ganges, to sit at the feet of this great Master. The teachings were shared only with those deemed ready to hear, according to the Hermetic adage: *"When the ears of the student are ready to hear, then cometh the lips to fill them with wisdom."* There was no quest for public approval or large numbers of followers—only a deep commitment to preserving truth.
In the early 20th century, Hermetic teachings were finally distilled into written form through *The Kybalion*, a work attributed to "The Three Initiates." This text provides a modern articulation of the Seven Hermetic Principles, which continue to be a powerful source of occult wisdom, existing independently of any formal religion but offering universal insights.
Overview of the 7 hermetic principles - Video (10 minutes with detailed explanation of each principle)
Applying the Seven Hermetic Principles to Leadership
In our Female Leadership Program (FLP), we integrate these Seven Hermetic Principles as a holistic and balanced approach to leadership, drawing on this ancient wisdom to cultivate greater self-awareness, authenticity, and resilience. These principles—when applied to leadership—become guiding lights, inspiring leaders to connect deeply with themselves and empower others meaningfully. Leaders who embrace this blend of universal truths can approach goal-setting, team dynamics, and personal growth with renewed purpose and clarity.
Harnessing the Seven Hermetic Principles
The Principle of Mentalism: "The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental."
The Principle of Correspondence: "As above, so below; as below, so above."
The Principle of Vibration: "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."
The Principle of Polarity: "Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites."
Embracing duality is a strength in leadership. This principle encourages leaders to balance both their “yin” (receptive, nurturing) and “yang” (assertive, decisive) qualities. For female leaders, this is especially empowering, as it breaks the notion of a single “correct” leadership style. Some situations require empathy, while others call for decisive action. Embracing this balance enables leaders to remain adaptable, resilient, and grounded in both strength and compassion.
The Principle of Rhythm: "Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides."
The Principle of Cause and Effect: "Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause."
The Principle of Gender: "Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles."
The Seven Hermetic Principles as a Guide to Modern Life
Beyond leadership, the Seven Hermetic Principles provide a profound lens for viewing personal growth, relationships, and our connection to the universe itself. They encourage us to explore the deeper layers of our existence, recognize recurring patterns, and align with universal truths. By understanding these principles, we can foster resilience, clarity, and intention in our lives. They remind us of our place within a larger, harmonious system, showing that awareness of these fundamental laws empowers us to live more fulfilling, intentional lives.
Through these teachings, we become proactive creators of our reality, grounded in both ancient wisdom and personal purpose. Embracing the Seven Hermetic Principles as a guiding framework for life and leadership opens pathways to transformative impact, allowing female leaders—and all seekers—to lead with integrity, intuition, and strength. If this all sounds like a lot—don't worry. These principles run very, very deep, and it takes a long time to fully understand and embody them. Each time we come back to them, you may understand them in a new way, or on a deeper level. And in time, these principles can help you master your own mind and your life as a whole. That is what we call magick in a nutshell : Magick is the ability to “live one’s life according to their own true nature within a society that demands conformity.” That is my definition of magick today, that is the goal and what it means to be free. This kind of magick is dangerous and exciting at the very same time because essentially you are playing with your survival.
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