The Power of Happiness

Aug 11 / PST

I will be happy when.....

“I’ll be happy when……..” (you just fill in the dots here for a moment...) Can I be happy now? Well, why not? Here’s where the inner dialogue kicks in…”I’m in the middle of………….(again you fill in the dots) when that’s over I’ll be fine. Can’t contemplate happiness while I’m going through this, after all”

Now bear in mind if you are going through a rough patch, you have a body flush with stress hormones and your brain is telling you that there must be a sabre-toothed tiger lurking behind a rock ready to pounce. Or words to that effect. The stress response harks back to the first humans. Whatever your sabre-toothed tiger is at the moment; its never easy. My philosophy is whatever the problem is that there are only three solutions.

Live with it
Change It 
Walk Away

Let’s look at the scenario that says I can’t change it, it’s out of my hands, also I can’t walk away from it as it’s just not possible. Then that leaves live with it. Aaaaand we are right back to that stress induced tiger! I can understand, absolutely, the method of looking ahead and aiming for the light at the end of the tunnel. But, and it’s a big but, we can only change things in the now. The past and the future are unchangeable. They exist only in our minds. Now, however, is where we are fully able to bring about change.

Focusing, again, on the rough patch times. The mind will screw you into the ground with finding possible scenarios and possible solutions. Constantly. Protecting you is one of its jobs after all. However, when the brain manufactures scenarios it cannot find a solution as it hasn’t happened! I’ll repeat. It hasn’t happened! Remaining in the scenario of the rough patch. I remind you there are times in life that we have no other alternative but to live with it. But how to live with it and find happiness in the moment? Well happiness is an inside job. You have the power, always, to influence that. Don’t let guilt pop up when you are helping yourself to get through a rough patch. Be aware of the thought and thank it, then tell your mind you are choosing to care for yourself. 

Lets look at some strategies that you can apply, click on the topic to expand

I will be happy when...

Happiness is not a distant destination but a journey to be embraced now. By practicing gratitude, mindfulness, and letting go of the past, we can experience happiness in the present moment. Embracing simplicity, cultivating positive relationships, and practicing self-compassion further enhance our happiness. Living with purpose and spreading kindness complete the picture, creating a fulfilling and joyful life. Remember that happiness is a personal journey, and it's okay to have ups and downs. Embrace the process, and focus on making each day a little brighter. As you embark on this path to happiness, you'll find that the journey itself becomes a source of joy, leading you to a happier and more contented life.